Comment by raptortech97 on ArrayList for Shop implementatin
Do you know what the programming idea of a a map or hashmap or dictionary is, or have you not covered that yet?
View ArticleComment by raptortech97 on Before/after jQuery highlighter
This is not much of a review. Consider commenting on specific issues or parts you'd change, and why.
View ArticleComment by raptortech97 on Electrical engine calculations
It doesn't matter what type efficiency is, all that matters is that efficiency is between 0 and 1. This is also the message that the user wants to see: not that they used the wrong type, but that their...
View ArticleComment by raptortech97 on Streamlining a method to run faster
What are ListTask and reduct2 supposed to do?
View ArticleComment by raptortech97 on Protecting webpage text from being selected
why can't they just screenshot it and re-write it?
View ArticleComment by raptortech97 on toBase64 encoder
Please translate all relevant comments to English so we can understand them. Also, the output should either be in English or not in English. Currently it's mixed. If you want it to be not in English,...
View ArticleComment by raptortech97 on FizzBuzz in Forth
"this line is very confusing for those who have never read or written Forth before" is that a fair standard? Before I learned it, most Python looked like gibberish to me.
View ArticleComment by raptortech97 on Entering two integers and returning a decimal...
@kleinfreund Personally, I only import * if I'm importing 6 or more classes from a package. 3 is not a lot.
View ArticleComment by raptortech97 on MD5 Brute Force Algorithm
Remember that 10^5 seconds is a day. Slow, but not completely out of bounds, especially if you could pause and continue the work. Also, generally if you have the MD5 you have the salt. Salts are only...
View ArticleComment by raptortech97 on Prime number generator
Doesn't this mean you can't use runtime variables as input?
View ArticleComment by raptortech97 on Test a number for primality and return smallest...
Take a look at System.printf for output
View ArticleComment by raptortech97 on Pi by Monte-Carlo
If performance were not a major issue, I think you could do the whole thing in a couple lines by parallelizing a random stream and filtering by isInside
View ArticleComment by raptortech97 on Optimizing Dijkstra implementation using...
@nclark Yup, you're totally right. There should have been a toVisit.add(from); right after toVisit.
View ArticleAnswer by raptortech97 for Tic Tac Toe game in Java OOP
Mathew had some great responses, but I'd like to explain a little more about using for loops. If you take a look at your Board() code right now, you might notice how a lot of the code is the same -...
View ArticleAnswer by raptortech97 for Rock, Paper, Scissors Game in Java
Since Marc-Andre has covered empty ifs, enums, and OO structure very thoroughly, I'll add a bit about style.public class Game {String yesOrNo;Input inputClass = new Input();Computer comp = new...
View ArticleAnswer by raptortech97 for Sorting Algorithms
Great job! This is a pretty well-written program that implements the algorithms to a T, and you even made sure to avoid integer overflow in your mean calculation! Now let's get down to everything you...
View ArticleAnswer by raptortech97 for Issuing multiple choice tests
You never use uSelect1. Get rid of it. You don't care which incorrect answer the user chooses, so let's consolidate. If you went with a select statement, it would look like...
View ArticleAnswer by raptortech97 for Defining functions in Vigenere cipher
I think you're making this a lot more complicated than it needs to be. Forgive my rusty python, but you should be able to do something likedef viginere_encrypt(message, key): length = len(message) mnum...
View ArticleAnswer by raptortech97 for Setting up notifications for Android
I don't know much about Android, so I can't answer that specific question, but there's still some things to change. @Overridepublic IBinder onBind(Intent arg0){ // TODO Auto-generated method stub...
View ArticleAnswer by raptortech97 for Red Black Tree Implementation
This isn't quite a full review, but here goes anyway:It looks like you're using 8-space indents. That's quite a lot. I think 4 is more common, but it is a matter of preference and it is consistent, so...
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